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Priestmead Primary School & Nursery home page

Primary School
& Nursery

Healthy Lifestyle

A Fit4Life Harrow Charter has been produced by London Borough of Harrow, the Public Health team and Harrow Education Partnership teams. The charter is a commitment from ALL Harrow schools to improve the health outcomes of its pupils.


As a parent/carer of a Harrow pupil, you should support your child by: 

  • Reducing the amount of sugary foods and drinks
  • Providing healthy snacks at the end of the school day
  • Exercise with children outside of school for at least 30 minutes a day – this could be as simple as a walk to and from school
  • Sign-up and regularly attend an NHS Dentist and ensure your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day
  • Ensure your children are up-to-date with vaccinations
  • Talk to your children each day about how they are feeling and how their day went.


Health and fitness must be a priority to help improve young children’s life chances.




NHS Change For Life: 

Action on Sugar: 

Take care of your teeth and gums:

Children's Mental Health: 

Priestmead School is part of the walk to school initiative and would like all parents to be involved in our community to support this for a healthier and environmentally life and take responsibility of encouraging our children to walk, scooter, cycle or park and stride to school.