Extended School Clubs
Welcome to the Extended School Club page of our school website. Here you will find all you need to know about the clubs we run as a school and also other companies who run clubs with us. We offer a wide selection of clubs to our children in Years R-6 and make use of the available space we have including the field, playground and halls.
Some of these clubs are offered free and teachers offer to do these clubs in their spare time. Some of the clubs offered do carry a small fee to cover expenses.
Parents will be emailed the sign-up details via email, all clubs are booked on Arbor on a first come first served basis. Details will be sign posted in September (Autumn Term), end of December (Spring Clubs) and end of March (Summer Clubs).
Pegasus Breakfast and After School start on the first day of school (Reception children can start Pegasus Club once they have completed transition and are full time).
We expect children to behave in line with school rules during any extended schools clubs. These clubs are a privilege, not an entitlement and failure to follow school rules will result in children being removed from clubs.
Similarly, Parents/Carers are expected to ensure punctuality when bringing children to clubs or collecting them. Attendance every week is expected. If attendance drops through lack of effort, your child’s place will be cancelled and offered to another child on the waiting list.